Try and see if you can tell what is going on here. If you look close you should be able to tell how I did it. I really love this image. It looks like I am taking off a sewer cap to a different dimension or something. Or it is an example of the separate planes of existence or reality. It really is open to interpretation. The welding goggles I am wearing totally add to the mystery of the image. I made this around the time I was really starting to become interested in sculpture and working with metal.
I have some really nice large prints that I made of this one. I plan on getting one framed to hang up in my house. I also printed many color versions of this by laying a black and white print directly on top of the color photo paper. I then expose the paper to light, using the black and white print as the negative. I was able to end up with lots of different colors by changing the settings on the color enlarger normally used to achieve the proper color balance.
Oops! I totally put this one up here already. O well.